Snow depths in Croatia on 14.02.2025 at 07 AM

Station Total snow depth [cm] Newly fallen snow [cm]
 Bednja 1 1
 Parg-Čabar 4 4
 RC Puntijarka 3 3
 Zavižan 42 -
Measurements of snow cover

Snow cover extent (amount of soil covered) is determined at all MHS meteorological stations. Data are recorded in observation logs and subsequently entered into the computer. User programmes determine the number of days with snow, the start and end of snow appearance on the ground etc.

Snow cover depth is determined by snow stake at all MHS meteorological stations. From the main meteorological stations data are transferred as meteorological messages to be used in national and international data exchange. Data are entered into the computer, checked and stored. Automatic stations ensure constant monitoring of snow depth by laser sensors.