Osijek region

Karlovac region

Rijeka region

  • Wind

    Locally gale force gusts of bura (NE wind). Maximum gust speed > 65 km/h

  • Low temperature

    Cold wave. Minimum temperature < 1 °C

West Istrian coast

  • Wind

    Fresh, locally possible strong NE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-45 knot (65-85 km/h)

Kvarner i Kvarneric

  • Wind

    Fresh, locally strong, late in the evening possible near gale NE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-50 knot (65-95 km/h)

Velebit channel

  • Wind

    Fresh and strong, locally near gale, in the evening possible gale NE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-60 knot (65-110 km/h)

North Dalmatia region

  • Wind

    Locally fresh, possible strong NE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-45 knot (65-85 km/h)

Middle Dalmatia region

  • Wind

    Locally fresh, possible strong NE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-45 knot (65-85 km/h)

South Dalmatia region

  • Wind

    Locally fresh, possible strong NE wind. Maximum wind gusts 35-45 knot (65-85 km/h)