Radar reflectivity [dBz] : | 2 - 10 | 10 - 25 | 25 - 35 | 35 - 45 | 45 - 55 | > 55 |
Precipitation intensity: | no precipitation | negligible | low | moderate | heavy | extreme |
Radar reflectivity [dBz]: |
Precipitation intensity: |
2 - 10: | no precipitation |
10 - 25: | negligible |
25 - 35: | low |
35 - 45: | moderate |
45 - 55: | heavy |
> 55: | extreme |
Real time and last 24h images
Real time and last 24h images
Lightning strokes in real time over Croatia and Europe
A low is being filled up across the Ionian Sea while a ridge of a high is intensifying from the north.