
EUMeTrain − International training project sponsored by EUMETSAT to support and increase the use of meteorological satellite data

Project website
Title EUMeTrain - International training project sponsored by EUMETSAT to support and increase the use of meteorological satellite data
Abstract EUMeTrain is an international project dedicated to the development of training material based on satellite data and its combination with other meteorological data. The aim of the project is to give the EUMETSAT users material for learning and exercising the interpretation, use and application of EUMETSAT satellite data combined with other meteorological data in the framework of their duties. The EUMeTrain training library contains training modules, case studies and recorded lectures. Many come with interactive exercises designed for self-testing. The resources are freely available to all interested users.
Key words computer aided learning, sinoptic satellite meteorology
Contact person Dunja Plačko-Vršnak, dunja.placko-vrsnak(at), tel: +385 1 4565 679
Duration 2004 -
Cooperation National Weather Service:
ZAMG - Austria
FMI - Finland
DHMZ - Croatia
DWD - Germany
IPMA - Portugal