Croatia weather extremes

Parameter Measurement Meteorological station Date
Maximum Temperature absolut (2m) 42,8 °C Ploče 4/8/1981
Minimum Temperature absolut (2m) -34,6 °C Gračac 13/1/2003
Maximum precipitation total (Year) 4717,4 l/m2 Mrzla Vodica 1925
Minimum Precipitation total (Year) 109,9 l/m2 Palagruža 1970
Maximum Precipitation total (Month) 1042,7 l/m2 Mrzla Vodica 2/1947
Maximum Precipitation total (Day) 352,2 l/m2 Zadar 11/9/1986
Strongest gust of wind 248 km/h Maslenički most 21. 12. 1998.
Maximum sunshine duration (Year) 3054,3 h Hvar 2003
Minimum sunshine duration (Year) 1338,7 h Parg 1972
Maximum sunshine duration (Month) 410,3 h Lastovo 7. 2003.
Maximum snowdepth total (Year) 322 cm Zavižan 21/3/2013
Maximum new snowdepth/day total 100 cm Vrh Učke 25/2/1988
Largest hail hen egg size hailstone* Hvar 25/8/2006
Karlovac 24/7/2010

* according to NOAA:

NOTE. The following location with extreme hailstones for Croatia was recorded in the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD): near Ribnik (Karlovac area), July 19, 2023. It was estimated that the diameter of the largest grains was 13 cm. As stated, it was not observed at DHMZ measuring stations and that extreme is not included in the table above.

World Meteorological Organization Global Weather & Climate Extremes Archive