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SWALDRIC – Severe weather over the Alpine-Adriatic region in a changing climate

Project webpage
Title SWALDRIC – Severe weather over the Alpine-Adriatic region in a changing climate
Abstract The SWALDRIC project will investigate severe weather events over Europe, with a specific focus on the Alpine and Adriatic region. The main goals of the project are to better understand severe weather events, to evaluate their representation in weather and climate models, and to investigate their response to climate change. Key elements of the project are: the exploitation of a unique Croatian hail-pad data set, the exploration and intercomparison of a wide range of different atmospheric (weather and climate) modeling systems, and the use of kilometer-scale pan-European decade-long simulations.
Main project goals The main objective of the project is to better understand severe weather events, evaluation of their representation in weather and climate models and investigation of their response to climate change.
Specific goals of the project are:
  • Climate analysis of hail data.
  • Examination of the relationship between lightning jumps and hail.
  • Determination of weather types/wind regimes that favour the formation of hail.
  • Simulation of hail events using the WRF-HAILCAST model.
  • Examination of the ability of CRMs in reproducing hail cases.
  • Analysis of severe weather events in a future climate.
Key words Hail, lightening, climatology, climate change, severe weather, numerical simulations, climate projections, Croatia, Switzerland
Contact person for DHMZ dr. sc. Ivan Güttler
dr. sc. Kristian Horvath, Petra Mikuš Jurković, Nataša Strelec Mahović
Duration 3/2019 - 11/2022
Partner institutions Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service
Croatia control
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Financing agencies Croatian Science Foundation,
Swiss National Science Foundation