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LIFE CityTRAQ - Traffic model for better Air Quality policies in cities

Title LIFE CityTRAQ - Traffic model for better Air Quality policies in cities
Project summary In the field of environmental protection in the EU, air pollution is recognized as the single greatest risk to the health of the population. A significant part of the EU population is exposed to exceeding limit values of pollutants. CityTRAQ will address this challenge in Flanders by bringing together all relevant information related to air quality, and the methodology will be tested and replicated in Croatia applied to the City of Zagreb. The developed tools will enable policymakers to identify locations with poor air quality (hotspots) and assess the impact of certain measures on air quality and thus help their adoption. All city partners in the project will explore these features through cases of implementation of measures affecting traffic flow and/or emissions, which will result in optimized local air quality plans. Ultimately, generic approaches will be developed to enable other EU cities to learn from the CityTRAQ experience and use the tools provided in this project to transfer them to their local domain.
Key words urban air quality, road traffic, local air quality policies
Contact person from DHMZ Darijo Brzoja, e-mail:
Duration 1/9/2022 - 31/8/2026
Lead organization Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) – Flanders Environment Agency
Partners Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM), Flanders Environment Agency (Belgium), coordinator
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Brugge (Belgium)
Gent (Belgium)
RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Netherlands)
DHMZ – Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Croatia)
Financing The total value of the project amounts to 2,097,664.38 Euros, the share of the DHMZ is 149,757.20 Euros
Project financing: European Union (within the LIFE program) in 60%, and Croatia government in a share of 40%.