
Programme for improving National Early Warning System and flood prevention in Albania

Project website

Title PRO NEWS - Programme for improving National Early Warning System and flood prevention in Albania
Abstract Floods are recognized to have the greatest damage potential of all natural disasters globally. Albania is prone to natural disasters and particularly to floods. In early February 2015, floods in Vlora and Fier produced high damages to agricultures (5,975 hectares of land), affected more than 600 families with one fatality. After the initial Albania's request of emergency aid and activation of the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the EU, UN and WB have contributed to the post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA). PONA highlighted that the underlying reasons explaining the extent of the floods do not rely exclusively on the extreme meteo-hydrological conditions, but also to a fragmented legal and institutional framework. lack of hazard and risk assessment, low preparedness capacity and public awareness, insufficient early warning system and disaster preventìon, need for approximation to EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
Key words Albania, floods, early warning system, civil protection
Contact person Marco Massabo, CIMA, Italia
dr. sc. Krešo Pandžić, DHMZ
dr. sc. Vlasta Tutiš, DHMZ
Duration 10/1/2017 - 9/10/2018
  1. The Intemational Centre on Environmental Monitoring (CIMA)
  2. The Albanian Regional Environmental Center (REC)
  3. The Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ)
  4. The European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
  5. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)