
AGRO-DROUGHT-ADAPT - adaptability assessment of maze and soybean cultivars of Croatia in the function of breeding for drought tolerance

Title AGRO-DROUGHT-ADAPT - adaptability assessment of maze and soybean cultivars of Croatia in the function of breeding for drought tolerance
Abstract Among all extreme climate hazards, related to climate changes, drought has the most significat impact on society. Drought is a main and the most frequent reason for an unprofitable yield of the most common arable crops in Croatia. Acording to global and local scenarios of climate changes for near future are expected more and more frequent droughts of higher intensity what will have a signicifant influence on a sustainability of arable crops of strategic importance for Croatia. During two succesive years, genetic adaptibility of the most important sorts of maze and soybean regarding to their tolerance on the drought in order to detect superior germplasms and optimum selection method for necessity of plant breeding. A consortium of 33 researchers and 9 research orgnizations are going to perform field experiments on 19 locations troughout Croatia (continental and coastal region) with intention to detect a „random drought“ and estimate a series of the same genotyps for different climate change scenarios and their reaction on optimum and drought conditions. At all experimental fields plant growth will be analysed and most important agriculture properties for the genotypes. At the same time, a fiziological and molecular-genetic laboratory analyses will be conducted with intention of "a fast detection of tolerant genotypes" and those methos will be validated on real results of field experiments. At all experimental locations a collection and analysis of micrometeorological data will be also made with intention to estimate drougt duration and intensity. By advanced statictical analysis of meteorological and biological data an identification of genotypes of maze and soybean will be made which are the most immune as well as the methods for the best distinction of such genotypes what will improve a production and selection process on these properties at current plant breeding programmes. A detailed analysis of experimental and historical climatological data from regular observations will improve estimation of econmic damages in agriculture of Croatia, as a base for policy development in future.
Key words drought, climate changes, genetic adaptability, soybean, maze, Croatia
Contact person and Researchers from DHMZ Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Pejić, voditelj projekta, Agronomski fakultet - Zagreb Krešo Pandžić, koordinator RP 4 - klimatske promjene, DHMZ
Davor Tomšić, dipl. ing, prikupljanje in situ meteoroloških podataka, DHMZ Nataša Strelec Mahović, analiza satelitskih podataka, DHMZ Tanja Likso i Krešo Pandžić, analiza in situ meteoroloških podataka, DHMZ
Duration 1 April 2017 - 31 Mart 2019
Partners - Poljoprivredni institut Osijek
- Poljoprivredni fakultet Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayer Osijek
- HCPHS Zavod za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo Osijek
- Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, Zagreb
- Bc Institut Zagreb
- Visoko gospodarsko učilište Križevci
- Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Poreč
- Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Split