
EUMETNET Climate Programme

Title EUMETNET Climate Programme
Abstract Climate services is currently a rapidly growing area due to different initiatives and additional players (e.g. Copernicus Climate Change Service C3S). Therefore it is necessary that European NMHSs as a EUMETNET members follow up on the associated innovations and development. Moreover interaction between the NMHS, and between the NMHS and European organisations and stakeholders is necessary. This programme aims at supporting the members of EUMETNET in both tasks.
Project objective 1) Exchange on current activities between the EUMETNET members via the “Expert Team Climate”. Discussion of new and ongoing European initiatives to establish a common strategy in this regard.
2) Setting up and maintaining connections to European agencies and flagship programs (Copernicus, HORIZON, ESA, other EUMETNET capability areas) in order to provide communication channels for two way information exchange and for identification options for new co-operations.
3) Support the NMHSs to ensure high quality and consistency of pan-European observational climate data sets and services trough organizing workshops and sessions within climate conferences. This includes the exchange on methods and developments between the EUMETNET members and the science community.
4) Optional PEP725 Module. During the last years the PEP725-database (European Phenological database) has been partly developed with the support of EUMETNET. The continuing activity will ensure that pertaining investments into the data-base will not be lost for the EUMETNET. As such we will look for opportunities to connect PEP725 with European agencies and flagship programmes.
Key words EUMETNET Climate Programme, Expert Team Climate, communication
Contact person mr. sc. Melita Perčec Tadić, DHMZ, +385 1 45 65 638, e-mail: melita.percec.tadic(at)
Duration 1/1/2019 - 31/12/2023
Cooperation Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG)(Coordinating Member)
Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat (OMSZ)