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ENHEMS-Buildings solution for energy management in buildings awarded a golden medal on the innovation fair Inventum 2015

DHMZ, 28 May 2015 - At the innovation fair Inventum 2015 which was held in Ilok, Croatia from 22nd to 24th May 2015 the energy management system for buildings developed within the ENHEMS-Buildings project was awarded a golden medal. On the fair the project was represented by mr. sc. Ružica Gajić (Hrvatski Telekom d.d.), Ninoslav Kurtalj (Elma Kurtalj d.o.o.), Tomislav Kovačić and Antonio Stanešić (Meteorological and Hydrological Service), as well as Anita Martinčević, Antonio Starčić and assoc. prof. Mario Vašak (University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing). The awarded plaque and few photos from the event can be found in the news follow-up.