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The supply component of the project "Establishment of Air Quality Monitoring and Management System" has the goal of providing the technical equipment at measurement sites, procurement of laboratory instruments/analyzers at MHS chemical laboratory and of calibration units/instruments at MHS calibration laboratory. This equipment is needed to fulfill the requirements of EU legislation in the field of air quality. Under the provision of 1 million euros worth contract, the 12 new background monitoring stations are equipped. Also, the technical capacities of MHSC chemical laboratory and calibration laboratory are increased so that the two can take the crucial and active role in the Croatia's air quality monitoring and management system.

The equipment procured at 12 monitoring stations ensures permanent monitoring of background air quality in Croatia as well as fulfillment of EU requirements. The equipment is used to monitor the most important pollutants in the air: ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen monoxide, carbon monoxide, benzene and particulate matter. Enhanced chemical laboratory enables analysis of chemical composition of particulate matter and precipitation on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), trace elements / heavy metals and major ions.

MHSC Calibration Laboratory
MHSC Calibration Laboratory
Desinić Air Quality Monitoring Station
Air Quality Analyzers at Plitvička Jezera Monitoring Station
Kopački rit Air Quality Monitoring Station

Rotary evaporator with vacuum pump at MHSC Chemical laboratory
Ion Chromatographs at MHSC Chemical Laboratory